GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
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wam_inst.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  SwtInf


#define NOT_A_WAM_WORD   Tag_REF(0)
#define NIL_WORD   Tag_ATM(ATOM_NIL)
#define CPE(e)   (*(WamCont *) &(e[-1]))
#define BCIE(e)   (*(WamWord *) &(e[-2]))
#define EE(e)   (*(WamWord **) &(e[-3]))
#define Y(e, y)   (*(WamWord *) &(e[-4 - (y)]))
#define ENVIR_NAMES   {"CPE", "BCIE", "EE"}
#define ALTB(b)   (*(CodePtr *) &(b[-1]))
#define CPB(b)   (*(WamCont *) &(b[-2]))
#define BCIB(b)   (*(WamWord *) &(b[-3]))
#define EB(b)   (*(WamWord **) &(b[-4]))
#define BB(b)   (*(WamWord **) &(b[-5]))
#define HB(b)   (*(WamWord **) &(b[-6]))
#define TRB(b)   (*(WamWord **) &(b[-7]))
#define CSB(b)   (*(WamWord **) &(b[-8]))
#define AB(b, a)   (*(WamWord *) &(b[-9 - (a)]))
#define NB_OF_TRAIL_TAGS   4
#define TUV   0 /* Trail Unbound Variable */
#define TOV   1 /* Trail One Value */
#define TMV   2 /* Trail Multiple Values */
#define TFC   3 /* Trail for Function Call */
#define TRAIL_TAG_NAMES   {"TUV", "TOV", "TMV", "TFC"}
#define Trail_Tag_Value(t, v)   ((PlULong) (v) | (t))
#define Trail_Tag_Of(w)   ((PlULong) (w) & 0x3)
#define Trail_Value_Of(w)   ((PlULong) (w) & (~0x3))
#define ATOM_MAX_BITS   (sizeof(PlULong) * 8 - 9)
#define Functor_Arity(f, n)   (((PlULong) (n) << ATOM_MAX_BITS) | (f))
#define Functor_Of(word)   ((PlULong)(word) & (((PlULong) 1 << ATOM_MAX_BITS) - 1))
#define Arity_Of(word)   ((PlULong) (word) >> ATOM_MAX_BITS)
#define Dont_Separate_Tag(tag_mask)   ((tag_mask) == TAG_FDV_MASK)
#define Do_Copy_Of_Word(tag_mask, word)
#define Make_Self_Ref(adr)   (Tag_REF(adr))
#define INT_GREATEST_VALUE   (((PlLong)1<<(WORD_SIZE-TAG_SIZE-1))-1)
#define OFFSET_CAR   0
#define Car(adr)   (((WamWord *) adr)[OFFSET_CAR])
#define Cdr(adr)   (((WamWord *) adr)[OFFSET_CAR+1])
#define OFFSET_ARG   1
#define Functor(adr)   (Functor_Of(Functor_And_Arity(adr)))
#define Arity(adr)   (Arity_Of(Functor_And_Arity(adr)))
#define Functor_And_Arity(adr)   (((WamWord *) (adr))[0])
#define Arg(adr, i)   (((WamWord *) (adr))[OFFSET_ARG+i])
#define Global_Push(word)   (*H++ = (WamWord) (word))
#define Global_Pop   (*--H)
#define Trail_Push(word)   (*TR++ = (WamWord) (word))
#define Trail_Pop   (*--TR)
#define Is_A_Local_Adr(adr)   ((adr) >= LSSA)
#define From_B_To_WamWord(b)   (Tag_INT((b) - LSSA))
#define From_WamWord_To_B(word)   (LSSA + UnTag_INT(word))
#define Adjust_CP(p)   ((WamCont) (p))
#define UnAdjust_CP(cp)   (cp)
#define DEREF_COUNT(x)
#define DEREF(start_word, word, tag_mask)
#define Word_Needs_Trailing(adr)   ((adr) < HB1 || (Is_A_Local_Adr(adr) && (adr) < B))
#define Bind_UV(adr, word)
#define Bind_OV(adr, word)
#define Bind_MV(adr, nb, real_adr)
#define Trail_UV(adr)   Trail_Push(Trail_Tag_Value(TUV, adr))
#define Trail_OV(adr)
#define Trail_MV(adr, nb)
#define Trail_FC(fct, nb, arg)
#define Assign_B(newB)   (B = (newB), HB1 = HB(B))
#define Delete_Last_Choice_Point()   Assign_B(BB(B))
#define Globalize_Local_Unbound_Var(adr, res_word)
#define Mem_Word_Cpy(dst, src, nb)


typedef SwtInfSwtTbl


WamWord FC Pl_Create_Functor_Arity_Tagged (char *func_str, int arity)
SwtTbl FC Pl_Create_Swt_Table (int size)
void FC Pl_Create_Swt_Atm_Element (SwtTbl t, int size, int atom, CodePtr codep)
void FC Pl_Create_Swt_Stc_Element (SwtTbl t, int size, int func, int arity, CodePtr codep)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Atom_Tagged (WamWord w, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Atom (int atom, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Integer_Tagged (WamWord w, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Integer (PlLong n, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Float (double n, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Nil (WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_List (WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Structure_Tagged (WamWord w, WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Get_Structure (int func, int arity, WamWord start_word)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_X_Variable (void)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Y_Variable (WamWord *y_adr)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Unsafe_Value (WamWord start_word)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Atom_Tagged (WamWord w)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Atom (int atom)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Integer_Tagged (WamWord w)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Integer (PlLong n)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Float (double n)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Nil (void)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_List (void)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Structure_Tagged (WamWord w)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Structure (int func, int arity)
WamWord FC Pl_Unify_Variable (void)
void FC Pl_Unify_Void (int n)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Value (WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Local_Value (WamWord start_word)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Atom_Tagged (WamWord w)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Atom (int atom)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Integer_Tagged (WamWord w)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Integer (PlLong n)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Nil (void)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_List (void)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Structure_Tagged (WamWord w)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Structure (int func, int arity)
WamWord FC Pl_Globalize_If_In_Local (WamWord start_word)
void FC Pl_Allocate (int n)
void FC Pl_Deallocate (void)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term (CodePtr c_var, CodePtr c_atm, CodePtr c_int, CodePtr c_lst, CodePtr c_stc)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm (CodePtr c_var, CodePtr c_atm)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Stc (CodePtr c_var, CodePtr c_stc)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm_Lst (CodePtr c_var, CodePtr c_atm, CodePtr c_lst)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm_Stc (CodePtr c_var, CodePtr c_atm, CodePtr c_stc)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Atom (SwtTbl t, int size)
PlLong FC Pl_Switch_On_Integer (void)
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Structure (SwtTbl t, int size)
WamWord FC Pl_Get_Current_Choice (void)
void FC Pl_Cut (WamWord b_word)
void FC Pl_Soft_Cut (WamWord b_word)
void FC Pl_Global_Push_Float (double n)
double FC Pl_Obtain_Float (WamWord *adr)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point (CodePtr codep_alt, int arity)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point0 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point1 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point2 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point3 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point4 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point (CodePtr codep_alt, int arity)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point0 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point1 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point2 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point3 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point4 (CodePtr codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point (int arity)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point0 (void)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point1 (void)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point2 (void)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point3 (void)
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point4 (void)
void Pl_Defeasible_Open ()
void Pl_Defeasible_Undo ()
void Pl_Defeasible_Close (Bool undo_before)
void FC Pl_Untrail (WamWord *low_adr)
Bool FC Pl_Unify (WamWord start_u_word, WamWord start_v_word)
Bool FC Pl_Unify_Occurs_Check (WamWord start_u_word, WamWord start_v_word)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define AB (   b,
)    (*(WamWord *) &(b[-9 - (a)]))
#define Adjust_CP (   p)    ((WamCont) (p))
#define ALTB (   b)    (*(CodePtr *) &(b[-1]))
#define Arg (   adr,
)    (((WamWord *) (adr))[OFFSET_ARG+i])
#define Arity (   adr)    (Arity_Of(Functor_And_Arity(adr)))
#define Arity_Of (   word)    ((PlULong) (word) >> ATOM_MAX_BITS)
#define Assign_B (   newB)    (B = (newB), HB1 = HB(B))
#define ATOM_MAX_BITS   (sizeof(PlULong) * 8 - 9)
#define BB (   b)    (*(WamWord **) &(b[-5]))
#define BCIB (   b)    (*(WamWord *) &(b[-3]))
#define BCIE (   e)    (*(WamWord *) &(e[-2]))
#define Bind_MV (   adr,
do \
{ \
Trail_MV(adr, nb); \
Mem_Word_Cpy(adr, real_adr, nb); \
} \
while (0)
#define Trail_MV(adr, nb)
Definition: wam_inst.h:519
#define Word_Needs_Trailing(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:463
#define Mem_Word_Cpy(dst, src, nb)
Definition: wam_inst.h:570
#define Bind_OV (   adr,
do \
{ \
Trail_OV(adr); \
*(adr) = (word); \
} \
while (0)
#define Word_Needs_Trailing(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:463
#define Trail_OV(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:508
#define Bind_UV (   adr,
do \
{ \
Trail_UV(adr); \
*(adr) = (word); \
} \
while (0)
#define Word_Needs_Trailing(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:463
#define Trail_UV(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:504
#define Car (   adr)    (((WamWord *) adr)[OFFSET_CAR])
#define Cdr (   adr)    (((WamWord *) adr)[OFFSET_CAR+1])
{"ALTB", "CPB", "BCIB", "EB", "BB", \
"HB", "TRB", "CSB"}
#define CPB (   b)    (*(WamCont *) &(b[-2]))
#define CPE (   e)    (*(WamCont *) &(e[-1]))
#define CSB (   b)    (*(WamWord **) &(b[-8]))
#define Delete_Last_Choice_Point ( )    Assign_B(BB(B))
#define DEREF (   start_word,
do \
{ \
WamWord deref_last_word; \
word = start_word; \
DEREF_COUNT(nb_deref); \
do \
{ \
DEREF_COUNT(chain_len); \
deref_last_word = word; \
tag_mask = Tag_Mask_Of(word); \
if (tag_mask != TAG_REF_MASK) \
break; \
word = *(UnTag_REF(word)); \
} \
while (word != deref_last_word); \
} \
while (0)
long WamWord
Definition: LINUX_SIGSEGV.c:4
#define DEREF_COUNT(x)
Definition: wam_inst.h:434
#define DEREF_COUNT (   x)
#define Do_Copy_Of_Word (   tag_mask,
if (Dont_Separate_Tag(tag_mask)) \
word = Tag_REF(UnTag_Address(word))
#define Dont_Separate_Tag(tag_mask)
Definition: wam_inst.h:144
#define Dont_Separate_Tag (   tag_mask)    ((tag_mask) == TAG_FDV_MASK)
#define EB (   b)    (*(WamWord **) &(b[-4]))
#define EE (   e)    (*(WamWord **) &(e[-3]))
#define ENVIR_NAMES   {"CPE", "BCIE", "EE"}
#define From_B_To_WamWord (   b)    (Tag_INT((b) - LSSA))
#define From_WamWord_To_B (   word)    (LSSA + UnTag_INT(word))
#define Functor (   adr)    (Functor_Of(Functor_And_Arity(adr)))
#define Functor_And_Arity (   adr)    (((WamWord *) (adr))[0])
#define Functor_Arity (   f,
)    (((PlULong) (n) << ATOM_MAX_BITS) | (f))
#define Functor_Of (   word)    ((PlULong)(word) & (((PlULong) 1 << ATOM_MAX_BITS) - 1))
#define Global_Pop   (*--H)
#define Global_Push (   word)    (*H++ = (WamWord) (word))
#define Globalize_Local_Unbound_Var (   adr,
do \
{ \
WamWord *cur_H = H; \
res_word = Make_Self_Ref(cur_H); \
*cur_H = res_word; \
H++; \
Bind_UV(adr, res_word); \
} \
while (0)
#define Bind_UV(adr, word)
Definition: wam_inst.h:468
long WamWord
Definition: LINUX_SIGSEGV.c:4
#define Make_Self_Ref(adr)
Definition: wam_inst.h:158
#define HB (   b)    (*(WamWord **) &(b[-6]))
#define INT_GREATEST_VALUE   (((PlLong)1<<(WORD_SIZE-TAG_SIZE-1))-1)
#define Is_A_Local_Adr (   adr)    ((adr) >= LSSA)
#define Make_Self_Ref (   adr)    (Tag_REF(adr))
#define Mem_Word_Cpy (   dst,
do \
{ \
register PlLong *s = (PlLong *) (src); \
register PlLong *d = (PlLong *) (dst); \
register int counter = (nb); \
do \
*d++ = *s++; \
while (--counter); \
} \
while (0)
intptr_t PlLong
Definition: gprolog.h:88
double d
Definition: asm.c:27
#define NB_OF_TRAIL_TAGS   4
#define NIL_WORD   Tag_ATM(ATOM_NIL)
#define NOT_A_WAM_WORD   Tag_REF(0)
#define OFFSET_ARG   1
#define OFFSET_CAR   0
#define TFC   3 /* Trail for Function Call */
#define TMV   2 /* Trail Multiple Values */
#define TOV   1 /* Trail One Value */
#define Trail_FC (   fct,
do \
{ \
Mem_Word_Cpy(TR, arg, nb); \
TR += nb; \
Trail_Push(fct); /*fct adr not aligned*/ \
} \
while (0)
#define Trail_Push(word)
Definition: wam_inst.h:208
ArgInf arg[MAX_ARGS]
Definition: ma_parser.c:114
#define Trail_Tag_Value(t, v)
Definition: wam_inst.h:127
#define TFC
Definition: wam_inst.h:121
char * fct[MAX_FCT]
Definition: extract_asm.c:79
#define Mem_Word_Cpy(dst, src, nb)
Definition: wam_inst.h:570
#define Trail_MV (   adr,
do \
{ \
Mem_Word_Cpy(TR, adr, nb); \
TR += nb; \
} \
while (0)
#define Trail_Push(word)
Definition: wam_inst.h:208
#define TMV
Definition: wam_inst.h:120
#define Trail_Tag_Value(t, v)
Definition: wam_inst.h:127
#define Mem_Word_Cpy(dst, src, nb)
Definition: wam_inst.h:570
#define Trail_OV (   adr)
do \
{ \
Trail_Push(*(adr)); \
} \
while (0)
#define Trail_Push(word)
Definition: wam_inst.h:208
#define TOV
Definition: wam_inst.h:119
#define Trail_Tag_Value(t, v)
Definition: wam_inst.h:127
#define Trail_Pop   (*--TR)
#define Trail_Push (   word)    (*TR++ = (WamWord) (word))
#define TRAIL_TAG_NAMES   {"TUV", "TOV", "TMV", "TFC"}
#define Trail_Tag_Of (   w)    ((PlULong) (w) & 0x3)
#define Trail_Tag_Value (   t,
)    ((PlULong) (v) | (t))
#define Trail_UV (   adr)    Trail_Push(Trail_Tag_Value(TUV, adr))
#define Trail_Value_Of (   w)    ((PlULong) (w) & (~0x3))
#define TRB (   b)    (*(WamWord **) &(b[-7]))
#define TUV   0 /* Trail Unbound Variable */
#define UnAdjust_CP (   cp)    (cp)
#define Word_Needs_Trailing (   adr)    ((adr) < HB1 || (Is_A_Local_Adr(adr) && (adr) < B))
#define Y (   e,
)    (*(WamWord *) &(e[-4 - (y)]))

Typedef Documentation

typedef SwtInf* SwtTbl

Function Documentation

void FC Pl_Allocate ( int  n)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point ( CodePtr  codep_alt,
int  arity 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point0 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point1 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point2 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point3 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Create_Choice_Point4 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
WamWord FC Pl_Create_Functor_Arity_Tagged ( char *  func_str,
int  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Create_Swt_Atm_Element ( SwtTbl  t,
int  size,
int  atom,
CodePtr  codep 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Create_Swt_Stc_Element ( SwtTbl  t,
int  size,
int  func,
int  arity,
CodePtr  codep 

Here is the call graph for this function:

SwtTbl FC Pl_Create_Swt_Table ( int  size)
void FC Pl_Cut ( WamWord  b_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Deallocate ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Defeasible_Close ( Bool  undo_before)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Defeasible_Open ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Defeasible_Undo ( )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point ( int  arity)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point0 ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point1 ( void  )
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point2 ( void  )
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point3 ( void  )
void FC Pl_Delete_Choice_Point4 ( void  )
Bool FC Pl_Get_Atom ( int  atom,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Atom_Tagged ( WamWord  w,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Get_Current_Choice ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Float ( double  n,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Integer ( PlLong  n,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Integer_Tagged ( WamWord  w,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_List ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Nil ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Structure ( int  func,
int  arity,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Get_Structure_Tagged ( WamWord  w,
WamWord  start_word 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Global_Push_Float ( double  n)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Globalize_If_In_Local ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double FC Pl_Obtain_Float ( WamWord adr)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Atom ( int  atom)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Atom_Tagged ( WamWord  w)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Float ( double  n)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Integer ( PlLong  n)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Integer_Tagged ( WamWord  w)
WamWord FC Pl_Put_List ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Nil ( void  )
WamWord FC Pl_Put_Structure ( int  func,
int  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Structure_Tagged ( WamWord  w)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Unsafe_Value ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_X_Variable ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Put_Y_Variable ( WamWord y_adr)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Soft_Cut ( WamWord  b_word)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Atom ( SwtTbl  t,
int  size 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlLong FC Pl_Switch_On_Integer ( void  )
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Structure ( SwtTbl  t,
int  size 

Here is the call graph for this function:

CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term ( CodePtr  c_var,
CodePtr  c_atm,
CodePtr  c_int,
CodePtr  c_lst,
CodePtr  c_stc 
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm ( CodePtr  c_var,
CodePtr  c_atm 
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm_Lst ( CodePtr  c_var,
CodePtr  c_atm,
CodePtr  c_lst 
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Atm_Stc ( CodePtr  c_var,
CodePtr  c_atm,
CodePtr  c_stc 
CodePtr FC Pl_Switch_On_Term_Var_Stc ( CodePtr  c_var,
CodePtr  c_stc 
Bool FC Pl_Unify ( WamWord  start_u_word,
WamWord  start_v_word 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Atom ( int  atom)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Atom_Tagged ( WamWord  w)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Integer ( PlLong  n)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Integer_Tagged ( WamWord  w)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_List ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Local_Value ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Nil ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Occurs_Check ( WamWord  start_u_word,
WamWord  start_v_word 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Structure ( int  func,
int  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Structure_Tagged ( WamWord  w)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Bool FC Pl_Unify_Value ( WamWord  start_word)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

WamWord FC Pl_Unify_Variable ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Unify_Void ( int  n)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Untrail ( WamWord low_adr)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point ( CodePtr  codep_alt,
int  arity 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point0 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point1 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point2 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point3 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)
void FC Pl_Update_Choice_Point4 ( CodePtr  codep_alt)