GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
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gprolog.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include "gprolog_cst.h"
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Data Structures

struct  PlFIOArg


#define PL_RECOVER   0
#define PL_CUT   1
#define PL_KEEP_FOR_PROLOG   2
#define PL_FAILURE   0
#define PL_SUCCESS   1
#define PL_EXCEPTION   2
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Counter()   pl_foreign_bkt_counter
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer(t)   ((t) pl_foreign_bkt_buffer)
#define PL_PLV   PL_REF
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define type_atom   pl_type_atom
#define type_atomic   pl_type_atomic
#define type_byte   pl_type_byte
#define type_callable   pl_type_callable
#define type_character   pl_type_character
#define type_compound   pl_type_compound
#define type_evaluable   pl_type_evaluable
#define type_float   pl_type_float
#define type_boolean   pl_type_boolean
#define type_in_byte   pl_type_in_byte
#define type_in_character   pl_type_in_character
#define type_integer   pl_type_integer
#define type_list   pl_type_list
#define type_number   pl_type_number
#define type_predicate_indicator   pl_type_predicate_indicator
#define type_variable   pl_type_variable /* deprecated: new code should emit an uninstantiation_error */
#define type_fd_variable   pl_type_fd_variable
#define type_fd_evaluable   pl_type_fd_evaluable
#define type_fd_bool_evaluable   pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
#define domain_character_code_list   pl_domain_character_code_list
#define domain_close_option   pl_domain_close_option
#define domain_flag_value   pl_domain_flag_value
#define domain_io_mode   pl_domain_io_mode
#define domain_non_empty_list   pl_domain_non_empty_list
#define domain_not_less_than_zero   pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
#define domain_operator_priority   pl_domain_operator_priority
#define domain_operator_specifier   pl_domain_operator_specifier
#define domain_prolog_flag   pl_domain_prolog_flag
#define domain_read_option   pl_domain_read_option
#define domain_source_sink   pl_domain_source_sink
#define domain_stream   pl_domain_stream
#define domain_stream_option   pl_domain_stream_option
#define domain_stream_or_alias   pl_domain_stream_or_alias
#define domain_stream_position   pl_domain_stream_position
#define domain_stream_property   pl_domain_stream_property
#define domain_write_option   pl_domain_write_option
#define domain_term_stream_or_alias   pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
#define domain_g_array_index   pl_domain_g_array_index
#define domain_g_argument_selector   pl_domain_g_argument_selector
#define domain_stream_seek_method   pl_domain_stream_seek_method
#define domain_format_control_sequence   pl_domain_format_control_sequence
#define domain_os_path   pl_domain_os_path
#define domain_os_file_permission   pl_domain_os_file_permission
#define domain_selectable_item   pl_domain_selectable_item
#define domain_date_time   pl_domain_date_time
#define existence_procedure   pl_existence_procedure
#define existence_source_sink   pl_existence_source_sink
#define existence_stream   pl_existence_stream
#define existence_sr_descriptor   pl_existence_sr_descriptor
#define permission_operation_access   pl_permission_operation_access
#define permission_operation_close   pl_permission_operation_close
#define permission_operation_create   pl_permission_operation_create
#define permission_operation_input   pl_permission_operation_input
#define permission_operation_modify   pl_permission_operation_modify
#define permission_operation_open   pl_permission_operation_open
#define permission_operation_output   pl_permission_operation_output
#define permission_operation_reposition   pl_permission_operation_reposition
#define permission_type_binary_stream   pl_permission_type_binary_stream
#define permission_type_flag   pl_permission_type_flag
#define permission_type_operator   pl_permission_type_operator
#define permission_type_past_end_of_stream   pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
#define permission_type_private_procedure   pl_permission_type_private_procedure
#define permission_type_static_procedure   pl_permission_type_static_procedure
#define permission_type_source_sink   pl_permission_type_source_sink
#define permission_type_stream   pl_permission_type_stream
#define permission_type_text_stream   pl_permission_type_text_stream
#define representation_character   pl_representation_character
#define representation_character_code   pl_representation_character_code
#define representation_in_character_code   pl_representation_in_character_code
#define representation_max_arity   pl_representation_max_arity
#define representation_max_integer   pl_representation_max_integer
#define representation_min_integer   pl_representation_min_integer
#define representation_too_many_variables   pl_representation_too_many_variables
#define evluation_float_overflow   pl_evluation_float_overflow
#define evluation_int_overflow   pl_evluation_int_overflow
#define evluation_undefined   pl_evluation_undefined
#define evluation_underflow   pl_evluation_underflow
#define evluation_zero_divisor   pl_evluation_zero_divisor
#define resource_print_object_not_linked   pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
#define resource_too_big_fd_constraint   pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint
#define Start_Prolog(argc, argv)   Pl_Start_Prolog(argc, argv)
#define Stop_Prolog()   Pl_Stop_Prolog()
#define Reset_Prolog()   Pl_Reset_Prolog()
#define Try_Execute_Top_Level()   Pl_Try_Execute_Top_Level()
#define Get_Choice_Counter()   Pl_Get_Choice_Counter()
#define Get_Choice_Buffer(t)   Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer(t)
#define No_More_Choice()   Pl_No_More_Choice()
#define Atom_Name(a)   Pl_Atom_Name(a)
#define Atom_Length(a)   Pl_Atom_Length(a)
#define Atom_Needs_Quote(a)   Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote(a)
#define Atom_Needs_Scan(a)   Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan(a)
#define Is_Valid_Atom(a)   Pl_Is_Valid_Atom(a)
#define Create_Atom(a)   Pl_Create_Atom(a)
#define Create_Allocate_Atom(a)   Pl_Create_Allocate_Atom(a)
#define Find_Atom(a)   Pl_Find_Atom(a)
#define ATOM_CHAR(c)   Pl_Atom_Char(c)
#define atom_nil   Pl_Atom_Nil()
#define atom_false   Pl_Atom_False()
#define atom_true   Pl_Atom_True()
#define atom_end_of_file   Pl_Atom_End_Of_File()
#define Rd_Integer_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Integer_Check(term)
#define Rd_Integer(term)   Pl_Rd_Integer(term)
#define Rd_Positive_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Positive_Check(term)
#define Rd_Positive(term)   Pl_Rd_Positive(term)
#define Rd_Float_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Float_Check(term)
#define Rd_Float(term)   Pl_Rd_Float(term)
#define Rd_Number_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Number_Check(term)
#define Rd_Number(term)   Pl_Rd_Number(term)
#define Rd_Atom_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Atom_Check(term)
#define Rd_Atom(term)   Pl_Rd_Atom(term)
#define Rd_Boolean_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Boolean_Check(term)
#define Rd_Boolean(term)   Pl_Rd_Boolean(term)
#define Rd_Char_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Char_Check(term)
#define Rd_Char(term)   Pl_Rd_Char(term)
#define Rd_In_Char_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Char_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Char(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Char(term)
#define Rd_Code_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Code_Check(term)
#define Rd_Code(term)   Pl_Rd_Code(term)
#define Rd_In_Code_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Code_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Code(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Code(term)
#define Rd_Byte_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Byte_Check(term)
#define Rd_Byte(term)   Pl_Rd_Byte(term)
#define Rd_In_Byte_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Byte_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Byte(term)   Pl_Rd_In_Byte(term)
#define Rd_String_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_String_Check(term)
#define Rd_String(term)   Pl_Rd_String(term)
#define Rd_Chars_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Chars_Check(term)
#define Rd_Chars(term)   Pl_Rd_Chars(term)
#define Rd_Codes_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_Codes_Check(term)
#define Rd_Codes(term)   Pl_Rd_Codes(term)
#define Rd_Chars_Str_Check(term, str)   Pl_Rd_Chars_Str_Check(term, str)
#define Rd_Chars_Str(term, str)   Pl_Rd_Chars_Str(term, str)
#define Rd_Codes_Str_Check(term, str)   Pl_Rd_Codes_Str_Check(term, str)
#define Rd_Codes_Str(term, str)   Pl_Rd_Codes_Str(term, str)
#define Rd_List_Check(term)   Pl_Rd_List_Check(term)
#define Rd_List(term)   Pl_Rd_List(term)
#define Rd_Proper_List_Check(term, arg)   Pl_Rd_Proper_List_Check(term, arg)
#define Rd_Proper_List(term, arg)   Pl_Rd_Proper_List(term, arg)
#define Rd_Compound_Check(term, func, arity)   Pl_Rd_Compound_Check(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Compound(term, func, arity)   Pl_Rd_Compound(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Callable_Check(term, func, arity)   Pl_Rd_Callable_Check(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Callable(term, func, arity)   Pl_Rd_Callable(term, func, arity)
#define Check_For_Un_Integer(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Integer(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Positive(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Positive(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Float(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Float(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Number(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Number(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Atom(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Atom(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Boolean(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Boolean(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Char(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Char(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Char(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Char(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Code(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Code(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Code(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Code(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Byte(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Byte(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Byte(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Byte(term)
#define Check_For_Un_String(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_String(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Chars(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Chars(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Codes(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Codes(term)
#define Check_For_Un_List(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_List(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Compound(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Compound(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Callable(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Callable(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Variable(term)   Pl_Check_For_Un_Variable(term)
#define Un_Integer_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Integer_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Integer(value, term)   Pl_Un_Integer(value, term)
#define Un_Positive_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Positive_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Positive(value, term)   Pl_Un_Positive(value, term)
#define Un_Float_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Float_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Float(value, term)   Pl_Un_Float(value, term)
#define Un_Number_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Number_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Number(value, term)   Pl_Un_Number(value, term)
#define Un_Atom_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Atom_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Atom(value, term)   Pl_Un_Atom(value, term)
#define Un_Boolean_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Boolean_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Boolean(value, term)   Pl_Un_Boolean(value, term)
#define Un_Char_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Char_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Char(value, term)   Pl_Un_Char(value, term)
#define Un_In_Char_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Char_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Char(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Char(value, term)
#define Un_Code_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Code_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Code(value, term)   Pl_Un_Code(value, term)
#define Un_In_Code_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Code_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Code(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Code(value, term)
#define Un_Byte_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Byte_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Byte(value, term)   Pl_Un_Byte(value, term)
#define Un_In_Byte_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Byte_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Byte(value, term)   Pl_Un_In_Byte(value, term)
#define Un_String_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_String_Check(value, term)
#define Un_String(value, term)   Pl_Un_String(value, term)
#define Un_Chars_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Chars_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Chars(value, term)   Pl_Un_Chars(value, term)
#define Un_Codes_Check(value, term)   Pl_Un_Codes_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Codes(value, term)   Pl_Un_Codes(value, term)
#define Un_List_Check(arg, term)   Pl_Un_List_Check(arg, term)
#define Un_List(arg, term)   Pl_Un_List(arg, term)
#define Un_Proper_List_Check(n, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Proper_List_Check(n, arg, term)
#define Un_Proper_List(n, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Proper_List(n, arg, term)
#define Un_Compound_Check(func, arity, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Compound_Check(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Compound(func, arity, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Compound(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Callable_Check(func, arity, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Callable_Check(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Callable(func, arity, arg, term)   Pl_Un_Callable(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Term(term1, term2)   Pl_Un_Term(term1, term2)
#define Mk_Integer(value)   Pl_Mk_Integer(value)
#define Mk_Positive(value)   Pl_Mk_Positive(value)
#define Mk_Float(value)   Pl_Mk_Float(value)
#define Mk_Number(value)   Pl_Mk_Number(value)
#define Mk_Atom(value)   Pl_Mk_Atom(value)
#define Mk_Boolean(value)   Pl_Mk_Boolean(value)
#define Mk_Char(value)   Pl_Mk_Char(value)
#define Mk_In_Char(value)   Pl_Mk_In_Char(value)
#define Mk_Code(value)   Pl_Mk_Code(value)
#define Mk_In_Code(value)   Pl_Mk_In_Code(value)
#define Mk_Byte(value)   Pl_Mk_Byte(value)
#define Mk_In_Byte(value)   Pl_Mk_In_Byte(value)
#define Mk_String(value)   Pl_Mk_String(value)
#define Mk_Chars(value)   Pl_Mk_Chars(value)
#define Mk_Codes(value)   Pl_Mk_Codes(value)
#define Mk_List(arg)   Pl_Mk_List(arg)
#define Mk_Proper_List(n, arg)   Pl_Mk_Proper_List(n, arg)
#define Mk_Compound(func, arity, arg)   Pl_Mk_Compound(func, arity, arg)
#define Mk_Callable(func, arity, arg)   Pl_Mk_Callable(func, arity, arg)
#define Mk_Variable()   Pl_Mk_Variable()
#define Blt_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Var(term)
#define Blt_Non_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Non_Var(term)
#define Blt_Atom(term)   Pl_Builtin_Atom(term)
#define Blt_Integer(term)   Pl_Builtin_Integer(term)
#define Blt_Float(term)   Pl_Builtin_Float(term)
#define Blt_Number(term)   Pl_Builtin_Number(term)
#define Blt_Atomic(term)   Pl_Builtin_Atomic(term)
#define Blt_Compound(term)   Pl_Builtin_Compound(term)
#define Blt_Callable(term)   Pl_Builtin_Callable(term)
#define Blt_Fd_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var(term)
#define Blt_Non_Fd_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var(term)
#define Blt_Generic_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var(term)
#define Blt_Non_Generic_Var(term)   Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var(term)
#define Blt_List(term)   Pl_Builtin_List(term)
#define Blt_Partial_List(term)   Pl_Builtin_Partial_List(term)
#define Blt_List_Or_Partial_List(term)   Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List(term)
#define Blt_Term_Eq(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Neq(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Lt(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Lte(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Gt(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Gte(term1, term2)   Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Eq(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Eq(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Neq(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Neq(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Lt(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Lt(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Lte(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Lte(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Gt(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Gt(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Gte(expr1, expr2)   Pl_Builtin_Gte(expr1, expr2)
#define Math_Load_Value(expr, result)   Pl_Math_Evaluate(expr, result)
#define Type_Of_Term(term)   Pl_Type_Of_Term(term)
#define Term_Size(term)   Pl_Term_Size(term)
#define Copy_Term(dst_term, src_term)   Pl_Copy_Term(dst_term, src_term)
#define Copy_Contiguous_Term(dst_term, src_term)   Pl_Copy_Contiguous_Term(dst_term, src_term)
#define Set_C_Bip_Name(functor, arity)   Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name(functor, arity)
#define Unset_C_Bip_Name()   Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name()
#define Emit_Syntax_Error(file_name, err_line, err_col, err_msg)   Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error(file_name, err_line, err_col, err_msg)
#define Os_Error()   Pl_Os_Error()
#define PLV   PL_PLV
#define FDV   PL_FDV
#define INT   PL_INT
#define FLT   PL_FLT
#define ATM   PL_ATM
#define LST   PL_LST
#define STC   PL_STC
#define Unify(term1, term2)   Pl_Unif(term1, term2)
#define Unify_With_Occurs_Check(term1, term2)   Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check(term1, term2)


typedef intptr_t PlLong
typedef uintptr_t PlULong
typedef intptr_t PlTerm
typedef PlBool Bool
typedef PlFIOArg FIOArg




int Pl_Start_Prolog (int argc, char *argv[])
void Pl_Stop_Prolog (void)
void Pl_Reset_Prolog (void)
PlBool Pl_Try_Execute_Top_Level (void)
void Pl_No_More_Choice (void)
char * Pl_Atom_Name (int atom)
int Pl_Atom_Length (int atom)
PlBool Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote (int atom)
PlBool Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan (int atom)
PlBool Pl_Is_Valid_Atom (int atom)
int Pl_Create_Atom (const char *atom)
int Pl_Create_Allocate_Atom (const char *atom)
int Pl_Find_Atom (const char *atom)
int Pl_Atom_Char (char c)
int Pl_Atom_Nil (void)
int Pl_Atom_False (void)
int Pl_Atom_True (void)
int Pl_Atom_End_Of_File (void)
PlBool Pl_Unif (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlLong Pl_Rd_Integer_Check (PlTerm term)
PlLong Pl_Rd_Integer (PlTerm term)
PlLong Pl_Rd_Positive_Check (PlTerm term)
PlLong Pl_Rd_Positive (PlTerm term)
double Pl_Rd_Float_Check (PlTerm term)
double Pl_Rd_Float (PlTerm term)
double Pl_Rd_Number_Check (PlTerm term)
double Pl_Rd_Number (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Atom_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Atom (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Boolean_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Boolean (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Char_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Char (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Char_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Char (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Code_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Code (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Code_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Code (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Byte_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Byte (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Byte_Check (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_In_Byte (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_String_Check (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_String (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_Chars_Check (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_Chars (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_Codes_Check (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Rd_Codes (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Chars_Str_Check (PlTerm term, char *str)
int Pl_Rd_Chars_Str (PlTerm term, char *str)
int Pl_Rd_Codes_Str_Check (PlTerm term, char *str)
int Pl_Rd_Codes_Str (PlTerm term, char *str)
PlTermPl_Rd_List_Check (PlTerm term)
PlTermPl_Rd_List (PlTerm term)
int Pl_Rd_Proper_List_Check (PlTerm term, PlTerm *arg)
int Pl_Rd_Proper_List (PlTerm term, PlTerm *arg)
PlTermPl_Rd_Compound_Check (PlTerm term, int *func, int *arity)
PlTermPl_Rd_Compound (PlTerm term, int *func, int *arity)
PlTermPl_Rd_Callable_Check (PlTerm term, int *func, int *arity)
PlTermPl_Rd_Callable (PlTerm term, int *func, int *arity)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Integer (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Positive (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Float (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Number (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Atom (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Boolean (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Char (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Char (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Code (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Code (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Byte (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Byte (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_String (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Chars (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Codes (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_List (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Compound (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Callable (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Variable (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Integer_Check (PlLong value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Integer (PlLong value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Positive_Check (PlLong value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Positive (PlLong value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Float_Check (double value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Float (double value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Number_Check (double value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Number (double value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Atom_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Atom (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Boolean_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Boolean (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Char_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Char (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Char_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Char (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Code_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Code (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Code_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Code (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Byte_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Byte (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Byte_Check (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_In_Byte (int value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_String_Check (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_String (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Chars_Check (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Chars (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Codes_Check (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Codes (const char *value, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_List_Check (PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_List (PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Proper_List_Check (int n, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Proper_List (int n, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Compound_Check (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Compound (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Callable_Check (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Callable (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Term (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Integer (PlLong value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Positive (PlLong value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Float (double value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Number (double value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Atom (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Boolean (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Char (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Char (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Code (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Code (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Byte (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Byte (int value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_String (const char *value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Chars (const char *value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Codes (const char *value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_List (const PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Proper_List (int n, const PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Compound (int func, int arity, const PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Callable (int func, int arity, const PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Variable (void)
int Pl_Type_Of_Term (PlTerm term)
int Pl_List_Length (PlTerm list)
PlLong Pl_Term_Compare (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Atom (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Integer (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Float (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Number (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Atomic (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Compound (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Callable (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_List (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Partial_List (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List (PlTerm term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Compare (PlTerm cmp, PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Arg (PlTerm arg_no, PlTerm term, PlTerm sub_term)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Functor (PlTerm term, PlTerm functor, PlTerm arity)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Univ (PlTerm term, PlTerm list)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Eq (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Neq (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Lt (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Lte (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Gt (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Gte (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
void Pl_Math_Evaluate (PlTerm expr, PlTerm *result)
int Pl_Term_Size (PlTerm term)
void Pl_Copy_Term (PlTerm *dst_term, PlTerm *src_term)
void Pl_Copy_Contiguous_Term (PlTerm *dst_term, PlTerm *src_term)
void Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name (const char *functor, int arity)
void Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name (void)
void Pl_Err_Instantiation (void)
void Pl_Err_Type (int atom_type, PlTerm term)
void Pl_Err_Domain (int atom_domain, PlTerm term)
void Pl_Err_Existence (int atom_object, PlTerm term)
void Pl_Err_Permission (int atom_oper, int atom_perm, PlTerm term)
void Pl_Err_Representation (int atom_flag)
void Pl_Err_Evaluation (int pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_Resource (int atom_resource)
void Pl_Err_Syntax (int pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_System (int pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error (char *file_name, int err_line, int err_col, char *err_msg)
void Pl_Os_Error (void)
void Pl_Write (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Write_To_String (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Writeq_To_String (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Write_Canonical_To_String (PlTerm term)
char * Pl_Display_To_String (PlTerm term)
PlTerm Pl_Read_From_String (const char *str)
void Pl_Exec_Continuation (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg_adr)
void Pl_Throw (PlTerm ball)
void Pl_Query_Begin (PlBool recoverable)
int Pl_Query_Call (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg_adr)
int Pl_Query_Start (int func, int arity, PlTerm *arg_adr, PlBool recoverable)
int Pl_Query_Next_Solution (void)
void Pl_Query_End (int op)
PlTerm Pl_Get_Exception (void)


int pl_foreign_bkt_counter
char * pl_foreign_bkt_buffer
int pl_type_atom
int pl_type_atomic
int pl_type_byte
int pl_type_callable
int pl_type_character
int pl_type_compound
int pl_type_evaluable
int pl_type_float
int pl_type_boolean
int pl_type_in_byte
int pl_type_in_character
int pl_type_integer
int pl_type_list
int pl_type_number
int pl_type_predicate_indicator
int pl_type_variable
int pl_type_fd_variable
int pl_type_fd_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
int pl_domain_character_code_list
int pl_domain_close_option
int pl_domain_flag_value
int pl_domain_io_mode
int pl_domain_non_empty_list
int pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
int pl_domain_operator_priority
int pl_domain_operator_specifier
int pl_domain_prolog_flag
int pl_domain_read_option
int pl_domain_source_sink
int pl_domain_stream
int pl_domain_stream_option
int pl_domain_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_stream_position
int pl_domain_stream_property
int pl_domain_write_option
int pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_g_array_index
int pl_domain_g_argument_selector
int pl_domain_stream_seek_method
int pl_domain_format_control_sequence
int pl_domain_os_path
int pl_domain_os_file_permission
int pl_domain_selectable_item
int pl_domain_date_time
int pl_existence_procedure
int pl_existence_source_sink
int pl_existence_stream
int pl_existence_sr_descriptor
int pl_permission_operation_access
int pl_permission_operation_close
int pl_permission_operation_create
int pl_permission_operation_input
int pl_permission_operation_modify
int pl_permission_operation_open
int pl_permission_operation_output
int pl_permission_operation_reposition
int pl_permission_type_binary_stream
int pl_permission_type_flag
int pl_permission_type_operator
int pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
int pl_permission_type_private_procedure
int pl_permission_type_static_procedure
int pl_permission_type_source_sink
int pl_permission_type_stream
int pl_permission_type_text_stream
int pl_representation_character
int pl_representation_character_code
int pl_representation_in_character_code
int pl_representation_max_arity
int pl_representation_max_integer
int pl_representation_min_integer
int pl_representation_too_many_variables
int pl_evluation_float_overflow
int pl_evluation_int_overflow
int pl_evluation_undefined
int pl_evluation_underflow
int pl_evluation_zero_divisor
int pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
int pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ATM   PL_ATM
#define ATOM_CHAR (   c)    Pl_Atom_Char(c)
#define atom_end_of_file   Pl_Atom_End_Of_File()
#define atom_false   Pl_Atom_False()
#define Atom_Length (   a)    Pl_Atom_Length(a)
#define Atom_Name (   a)    Pl_Atom_Name(a)
#define Atom_Needs_Quote (   a)    Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote(a)
#define Atom_Needs_Scan (   a)    Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan(a)
#define atom_nil   Pl_Atom_Nil()
#define atom_true   Pl_Atom_True()
#define Blt_Atom (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Atom(term)
#define Blt_Atomic (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Atomic(term)
#define Blt_Callable (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Callable(term)
#define Blt_Compound (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Compound(term)
#define Blt_Eq (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Eq(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Fd_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var(term)
#define Blt_Float (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Float(term)
#define Blt_Generic_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var(term)
#define Blt_Gt (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Gt(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Gte (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Gte(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Integer (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Integer(term)
#define Blt_List (   term)    Pl_Builtin_List(term)
#define Blt_List_Or_Partial_List (   term)    Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List(term)
#define Blt_Lt (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Lt(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Lte (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Lte(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Neq (   expr1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Neq(expr1, expr2)
#define Blt_Non_Fd_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var(term)
#define Blt_Non_Generic_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var(term)
#define Blt_Non_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Non_Var(term)
#define Blt_Number (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Number(term)
#define Blt_Partial_List (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Partial_List(term)
#define Blt_Term_Eq (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Gt (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Gte (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Lt (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Lte (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Term_Neq (   term1,
)    Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq(term1, term2)
#define Blt_Var (   term)    Pl_Builtin_Var(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Atom (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Atom(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Boolean (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Boolean(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Byte (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Byte(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Callable (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Callable(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Char (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Char(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Chars (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Chars(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Code (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Code(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Codes (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Codes(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Compound (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Compound(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Float (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Float(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Byte (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Byte(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Char (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Char(term)
#define Check_For_Un_In_Code (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Code(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Integer (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Integer(term)
#define Check_For_Un_List (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_List(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Number (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Number(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Positive (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Positive(term)
#define Check_For_Un_String (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_String(term)
#define Check_For_Un_Variable (   term)    Pl_Check_For_Un_Variable(term)
#define Copy_Contiguous_Term (   dst_term,
)    Pl_Copy_Contiguous_Term(dst_term, src_term)
#define Copy_Term (   dst_term,
)    Pl_Copy_Term(dst_term, src_term)
#define Create_Allocate_Atom (   a)    Pl_Create_Allocate_Atom(a)
#define Create_Atom (   a)    Pl_Create_Atom(a)
#define domain_character_code_list   pl_domain_character_code_list
#define domain_close_option   pl_domain_close_option
#define domain_date_time   pl_domain_date_time
#define domain_flag_value   pl_domain_flag_value
#define domain_format_control_sequence   pl_domain_format_control_sequence
#define domain_g_argument_selector   pl_domain_g_argument_selector
#define domain_g_array_index   pl_domain_g_array_index
#define domain_io_mode   pl_domain_io_mode
#define domain_non_empty_list   pl_domain_non_empty_list
#define domain_not_less_than_zero   pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
#define domain_operator_priority   pl_domain_operator_priority
#define domain_operator_specifier   pl_domain_operator_specifier
#define domain_os_file_permission   pl_domain_os_file_permission
#define domain_os_path   pl_domain_os_path
#define domain_prolog_flag   pl_domain_prolog_flag
#define domain_read_option   pl_domain_read_option
#define domain_selectable_item   pl_domain_selectable_item
#define domain_source_sink   pl_domain_source_sink
#define domain_stream   pl_domain_stream
#define domain_stream_option   pl_domain_stream_option
#define domain_stream_or_alias   pl_domain_stream_or_alias
#define domain_stream_position   pl_domain_stream_position
#define domain_stream_property   pl_domain_stream_property
#define domain_stream_seek_method   pl_domain_stream_seek_method
#define domain_term_stream_or_alias   pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
#define domain_write_option   pl_domain_write_option
#define Emit_Syntax_Error (   file_name,
)    Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error(file_name, err_line, err_col, err_msg)
#define evluation_float_overflow   pl_evluation_float_overflow
#define evluation_int_overflow   pl_evluation_int_overflow
#define evluation_undefined   pl_evluation_undefined
#define evluation_underflow   pl_evluation_underflow
#define evluation_zero_divisor   pl_evluation_zero_divisor
#define existence_procedure   pl_existence_procedure
#define existence_source_sink   pl_existence_source_sink
#define existence_sr_descriptor   pl_existence_sr_descriptor
#define existence_stream   pl_existence_stream
#define FALSE   0
#define FDV   PL_FDV
#define Find_Atom (   a)    Pl_Find_Atom(a)
#define FLT   PL_FLT
#define Get_Choice_Buffer (   t)    Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer(t)
#define Get_Choice_Counter ( )    Pl_Get_Choice_Counter()
#define INT   PL_INT
#define Is_Valid_Atom (   a)    Pl_Is_Valid_Atom(a)
#define LST   PL_LST
#define Math_Load_Value (   expr,
)    Pl_Math_Evaluate(expr, result)
#define Mk_Atom (   value)    Pl_Mk_Atom(value)
#define Mk_Boolean (   value)    Pl_Mk_Boolean(value)
#define Mk_Byte (   value)    Pl_Mk_Byte(value)
#define Mk_Callable (   func,
)    Pl_Mk_Callable(func, arity, arg)
#define Mk_Char (   value)    Pl_Mk_Char(value)
#define Mk_Chars (   value)    Pl_Mk_Chars(value)
#define Mk_Code (   value)    Pl_Mk_Code(value)
#define Mk_Codes (   value)    Pl_Mk_Codes(value)
#define Mk_Compound (   func,
)    Pl_Mk_Compound(func, arity, arg)
#define Mk_Float (   value)    Pl_Mk_Float(value)
#define Mk_In_Byte (   value)    Pl_Mk_In_Byte(value)
#define Mk_In_Char (   value)    Pl_Mk_In_Char(value)
#define Mk_In_Code (   value)    Pl_Mk_In_Code(value)
#define Mk_Integer (   value)    Pl_Mk_Integer(value)
#define Mk_List (   arg)    Pl_Mk_List(arg)
#define Mk_Number (   value)    Pl_Mk_Number(value)
#define Mk_Positive (   value)    Pl_Mk_Positive(value)
#define Mk_Proper_List (   n,
)    Pl_Mk_Proper_List(n, arg)
#define Mk_String (   value)    Pl_Mk_String(value)
#define Mk_Variable ( )    Pl_Mk_Variable()
#define No_More_Choice ( )    Pl_No_More_Choice()
#define Os_Error ( )    Pl_Os_Error()
#define permission_operation_access   pl_permission_operation_access
#define permission_operation_close   pl_permission_operation_close
#define permission_operation_create   pl_permission_operation_create
#define permission_operation_input   pl_permission_operation_input
#define permission_operation_modify   pl_permission_operation_modify
#define permission_operation_open   pl_permission_operation_open
#define permission_operation_output   pl_permission_operation_output
#define permission_operation_reposition   pl_permission_operation_reposition
#define permission_type_binary_stream   pl_permission_type_binary_stream
#define permission_type_flag   pl_permission_type_flag
#define permission_type_operator   pl_permission_type_operator
#define permission_type_past_end_of_stream   pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
#define permission_type_private_procedure   pl_permission_type_private_procedure
#define permission_type_source_sink   pl_permission_type_source_sink
#define permission_type_static_procedure   pl_permission_type_static_procedure
#define permission_type_stream   pl_permission_type_stream
#define permission_type_text_stream   pl_permission_type_text_stream
#define PL_CUT   1
#define PL_EXCEPTION   2
#define PL_FAILURE   0
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer (   t)    ((t) pl_foreign_bkt_buffer)
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Counter ( )    pl_foreign_bkt_counter
#define PL_KEEP_FOR_PROLOG   2
#define PL_PLV   PL_REF
#define PL_RECOVER   0
#define PL_SUCCESS   1
#define PLV   PL_PLV
#define Rd_Atom (   term)    Pl_Rd_Atom(term)
#define Rd_Atom_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Atom_Check(term)
#define Rd_Boolean (   term)    Pl_Rd_Boolean(term)
#define Rd_Boolean_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Boolean_Check(term)
#define Rd_Byte (   term)    Pl_Rd_Byte(term)
#define Rd_Byte_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Byte_Check(term)
#define Rd_Callable (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Callable(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Callable_Check (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Callable_Check(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Char (   term)    Pl_Rd_Char(term)
#define Rd_Char_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Char_Check(term)
#define Rd_Chars (   term)    Pl_Rd_Chars(term)
#define Rd_Chars_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Chars_Check(term)
#define Rd_Chars_Str (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Chars_Str(term, str)
#define Rd_Chars_Str_Check (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Chars_Str_Check(term, str)
#define Rd_Code (   term)    Pl_Rd_Code(term)
#define Rd_Code_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Code_Check(term)
#define Rd_Codes (   term)    Pl_Rd_Codes(term)
#define Rd_Codes_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Codes_Check(term)
#define Rd_Codes_Str (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Codes_Str(term, str)
#define Rd_Codes_Str_Check (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Codes_Str_Check(term, str)
#define Rd_Compound (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Compound(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Compound_Check (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Compound_Check(term, func, arity)
#define Rd_Float (   term)    Pl_Rd_Float(term)
#define Rd_Float_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Float_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Byte (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Byte(term)
#define Rd_In_Byte_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Byte_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Char (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Char(term)
#define Rd_In_Char_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Char_Check(term)
#define Rd_In_Code (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Code(term)
#define Rd_In_Code_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_In_Code_Check(term)
#define Rd_Integer (   term)    Pl_Rd_Integer(term)
#define Rd_Integer_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Integer_Check(term)
#define Rd_List (   term)    Pl_Rd_List(term)
#define Rd_List_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_List_Check(term)
#define Rd_Number (   term)    Pl_Rd_Number(term)
#define Rd_Number_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Number_Check(term)
#define Rd_Positive (   term)    Pl_Rd_Positive(term)
#define Rd_Positive_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_Positive_Check(term)
#define Rd_Proper_List (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Proper_List(term, arg)
#define Rd_Proper_List_Check (   term,
)    Pl_Rd_Proper_List_Check(term, arg)
#define Rd_String (   term)    Pl_Rd_String(term)
#define Rd_String_Check (   term)    Pl_Rd_String_Check(term)
#define representation_character   pl_representation_character
#define representation_character_code   pl_representation_character_code
#define representation_in_character_code   pl_representation_in_character_code
#define representation_max_arity   pl_representation_max_arity
#define representation_max_integer   pl_representation_max_integer
#define representation_min_integer   pl_representation_min_integer
#define representation_too_many_variables   pl_representation_too_many_variables
#define Reset_Prolog ( )    Pl_Reset_Prolog()
#define resource_print_object_not_linked   pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
#define resource_too_big_fd_constraint   pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint
#define Set_C_Bip_Name (   functor,
)    Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name(functor, arity)
#define Start_Prolog (   argc,
)    Pl_Start_Prolog(argc, argv)
#define STC   PL_STC
#define Stop_Prolog ( )    Pl_Stop_Prolog()
#define Term_Size (   term)    Pl_Term_Size(term)
#define TRUE   1
#define Try_Execute_Top_Level ( )    Pl_Try_Execute_Top_Level()
#define type_atom   pl_type_atom
#define type_atomic   pl_type_atomic
#define type_boolean   pl_type_boolean
#define type_byte   pl_type_byte
#define type_callable   pl_type_callable
#define type_character   pl_type_character
#define type_compound   pl_type_compound
#define type_evaluable   pl_type_evaluable
#define type_fd_bool_evaluable   pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
#define type_fd_evaluable   pl_type_fd_evaluable
#define type_fd_variable   pl_type_fd_variable
#define type_float   pl_type_float
#define type_in_byte   pl_type_in_byte
#define type_in_character   pl_type_in_character
#define type_integer   pl_type_integer
#define type_list   pl_type_list
#define type_number   pl_type_number
#define Type_Of_Term (   term)    Pl_Type_Of_Term(term)
#define type_predicate_indicator   pl_type_predicate_indicator
#define type_variable   pl_type_variable /* deprecated: new code should emit an uninstantiation_error */
#define Un_Atom (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Atom(value, term)
#define Un_Atom_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Atom_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Boolean (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Boolean(value, term)
#define Un_Boolean_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Boolean_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Byte (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Byte(value, term)
#define Un_Byte_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Byte_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Callable (   func,
)    Pl_Un_Callable(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Callable_Check (   func,
)    Pl_Un_Callable_Check(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Char (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Char(value, term)
#define Un_Char_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Char_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Chars (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Chars(value, term)
#define Un_Chars_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Chars_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Code (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Code(value, term)
#define Un_Code_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Code_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Codes (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Codes(value, term)
#define Un_Codes_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Codes_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Compound (   func,
)    Pl_Un_Compound(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Compound_Check (   func,
)    Pl_Un_Compound_Check(func, arity, arg, term)
#define Un_Float (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Float(value, term)
#define Un_Float_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Float_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Byte (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Byte(value, term)
#define Un_In_Byte_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Byte_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Char (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Char(value, term)
#define Un_In_Char_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Char_Check(value, term)
#define Un_In_Code (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Code(value, term)
#define Un_In_Code_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_In_Code_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Integer (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Integer(value, term)
#define Un_Integer_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Integer_Check(value, term)
#define Un_List (   arg,
)    Pl_Un_List(arg, term)
#define Un_List_Check (   arg,
)    Pl_Un_List_Check(arg, term)
#define Un_Number (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Number(value, term)
#define Un_Number_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Number_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Positive (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Positive(value, term)
#define Un_Positive_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_Positive_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Proper_List (   n,
)    Pl_Un_Proper_List(n, arg, term)
#define Un_Proper_List_Check (   n,
)    Pl_Un_Proper_List_Check(n, arg, term)
#define Un_String (   value,
)    Pl_Un_String(value, term)
#define Un_String_Check (   value,
)    Pl_Un_String_Check(value, term)
#define Un_Term (   term1,
)    Pl_Un_Term(term1, term2)
#define Unify (   term1,
)    Pl_Unif(term1, term2)
#define Unify_With_Occurs_Check (   term1,
)    Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check(term1, term2)
#define Unset_C_Bip_Name ( )    Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name()

Typedef Documentation

typedef PlBool Bool
typedef PlFIOArg FIOArg
typedef intptr_t PlLong
typedef intptr_t PlTerm
typedef uintptr_t PlULong

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PlBool

Function Documentation

int Pl_Atom_Char ( char  c)
int Pl_Atom_End_Of_File ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_False ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_Length ( int  atom)
char* Pl_Atom_Name ( int  atom)
PlBool Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote ( int  atom)
PlBool Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan ( int  atom)
int Pl_Atom_Nil ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_True ( void  )
PlBool Pl_Builtin_Arg ( PlTerm  arg_no,
PlTerm  term,
PlTerm  sub_term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Atom ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Atomic ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Callable ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Compare ( PlTerm  cmp,
PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Compound ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Eq ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Float ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Functor ( PlTerm  term,
PlTerm  functor,
PlTerm  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Gt ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Gte ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Integer ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_List ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Lt ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Lte ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Neq ( PlTerm  expr1,
PlTerm  expr2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Non_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Number ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Partial_List ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Univ ( PlTerm  term,
PlTerm  list 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Builtin_Var ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Atom ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Boolean ( PlTerm  term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Byte ( PlTerm  term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Callable ( PlTerm  term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Char ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Chars ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Code ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Codes ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Compound ( PlTerm  term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_Float ( PlTerm  term)
void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Byte ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Char ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_In_Code ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Integer ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_List ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Number ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Positive ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Check_For_Un_Variable ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Copy_Contiguous_Term ( PlTerm dst_term,
PlTerm src_term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Copy_Term ( PlTerm dst_term,
PlTerm src_term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Create_Allocate_Atom ( const char *  atom)
int Pl_Create_Atom ( const char *  atom)
char* Pl_Display_To_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error ( char *  file_name,
int  err_line,
int  err_col,
char *  err_msg 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Domain ( int  atom_domain,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Evaluation ( int  pl_atom_error)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Existence ( int  atom_object,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Instantiation ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Permission ( int  atom_oper,
int  atom_perm,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Representation ( int  atom_flag)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Resource ( int  atom_resource)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Syntax ( int  pl_atom_error)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_System ( int  pl_atom_error)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Err_Type ( int  atom_type,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Exec_Continuation ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg_adr 

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Find_Atom ( const char *  atom)
PlTerm Pl_Get_Exception ( void  )
PlBool Pl_Is_Valid_Atom ( int  atom)
int Pl_List_Length ( PlTerm  list)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Math_Evaluate ( PlTerm  expr,
PlTerm result 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Atom ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Boolean ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Byte ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Callable ( int  func,
int  arity,
const PlTerm arg 
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Char ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Chars ( const char *  value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Code ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Codes ( const char *  value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Compound ( int  func,
int  arity,
const PlTerm arg 
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Float ( double  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Byte ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Char ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_In_Code ( int  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Integer ( PlLong  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_List ( const PlTerm arg)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Number ( double  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Positive ( PlLong  value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Mk_Proper_List ( int  n,
const PlTerm arg 
PlTerm Pl_Mk_String ( const char *  value)
PlTerm Pl_Mk_Variable ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_No_More_Choice ( void  )
void Pl_Os_Error ( void  )
void Pl_Query_Begin ( PlBool  recoverable)
int Pl_Query_Call ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg_adr 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Query_End ( int  op)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Query_Next_Solution ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Query_Start ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg_adr,
PlBool  recoverable 
int Pl_Rd_Atom ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Atom_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Boolean ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Boolean_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Byte ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Byte_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm* Pl_Rd_Callable ( PlTerm  term,
int *  func,
int *  arity 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm* Pl_Rd_Callable_Check ( PlTerm  term,
int *  func,
int *  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Char ( PlTerm  term)
int Pl_Rd_Char_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_Chars ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_Chars_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Chars_Str ( PlTerm  term,
char *  str 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Chars_Str_Check ( PlTerm  term,
char *  str 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Code ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Code_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_Codes ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_Codes_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Codes_Str ( PlTerm  term,
char *  str 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Codes_Str_Check ( PlTerm  term,
char *  str 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm* Pl_Rd_Compound ( PlTerm  term,
int *  func,
int *  arity 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm* Pl_Rd_Compound_Check ( PlTerm  term,
int *  func,
int *  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

double Pl_Rd_Float ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double Pl_Rd_Float_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Byte ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Byte_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Char ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Char_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Code ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_In_Code_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlLong Pl_Rd_Integer ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlLong Pl_Rd_Integer_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm* Pl_Rd_List ( PlTerm  term)
PlTerm* Pl_Rd_List_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

double Pl_Rd_Number ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

double Pl_Rd_Number_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlLong Pl_Rd_Positive ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlLong Pl_Rd_Positive_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Rd_Proper_List ( PlTerm  term,
PlTerm arg 
int Pl_Rd_Proper_List_Check ( PlTerm  term,
PlTerm arg 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Pl_Rd_String_Check ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlTerm Pl_Read_From_String ( const char *  str)
void Pl_Reset_Prolog ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name ( const char *  functor,
int  arity 
int Pl_Start_Prolog ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Stop_Prolog ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlLong Pl_Term_Compare ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Term_Size ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Throw ( PlTerm  ball)

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Try_Execute_Top_Level ( void  )

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Type_Of_Term ( PlTerm  term)
PlBool Pl_Un_Atom ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Atom_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Boolean ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Boolean_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Byte ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Byte_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Callable ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Callable_Check ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Char ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Char_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Chars ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Chars_Check ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Code ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Code_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Codes ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Codes_Check ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Compound ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Compound_Check ( int  func,
int  arity,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Float ( double  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Float_Check ( double  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Byte ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Byte_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Char ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Char_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Code ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_In_Code_Check ( int  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Integer ( PlLong  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Integer_Check ( PlLong  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_List ( PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_List_Check ( PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Number ( double  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Number_Check ( double  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Positive ( PlLong  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Positive_Check ( PlLong  value,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Proper_List ( int  n,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_Proper_List_Check ( int  n,
PlTerm arg,
PlTerm  term 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Un_String ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_String_Check ( const char *  value,
PlTerm  term 
PlBool Pl_Un_Term ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Unif ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

PlBool Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name ( void  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Write ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* Pl_Write_Canonical_To_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* Pl_Write_To_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* Pl_Writeq_To_String ( PlTerm  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

int pl_domain_character_code_list
int pl_domain_close_option
int pl_domain_date_time
int pl_domain_flag_value
int pl_domain_format_control_sequence
int pl_domain_g_argument_selector
int pl_domain_g_array_index
int pl_domain_io_mode
int pl_domain_non_empty_list
int pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
int pl_domain_operator_priority
int pl_domain_operator_specifier
int pl_domain_os_file_permission
int pl_domain_os_path
int pl_domain_prolog_flag
int pl_domain_read_option
int pl_domain_selectable_item
int pl_domain_source_sink
int pl_domain_stream
int pl_domain_stream_option
int pl_domain_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_stream_position
int pl_domain_stream_property
int pl_domain_stream_seek_method
int pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_write_option
int pl_evluation_float_overflow
int pl_evluation_int_overflow
int pl_evluation_undefined
int pl_evluation_underflow
int pl_evluation_zero_divisor
int pl_existence_procedure
int pl_existence_source_sink
int pl_existence_sr_descriptor
int pl_existence_stream
char* pl_foreign_bkt_buffer
int pl_foreign_bkt_counter
int pl_permission_operation_access
int pl_permission_operation_close
int pl_permission_operation_create
int pl_permission_operation_input
int pl_permission_operation_modify
int pl_permission_operation_open
int pl_permission_operation_output
int pl_permission_operation_reposition
int pl_permission_type_binary_stream
int pl_permission_type_flag
int pl_permission_type_operator
int pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
int pl_permission_type_private_procedure
int pl_permission_type_source_sink
int pl_permission_type_static_procedure
int pl_permission_type_stream
int pl_permission_type_text_stream
int pl_representation_character
int pl_representation_character_code
int pl_representation_in_character_code
int pl_representation_max_arity
int pl_representation_max_integer
int pl_representation_min_integer
int pl_representation_too_many_variables
int pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
int pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint
int pl_type_atom
int pl_type_atomic
int pl_type_boolean
int pl_type_byte
int pl_type_callable
int pl_type_character
int pl_type_compound
int pl_type_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_variable
int pl_type_float
int pl_type_in_byte
int pl_type_in_character
int pl_type_integer
int pl_type_list
int pl_type_number
int pl_type_predicate_indicator
int pl_type_variable