GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
Data Fields
stm_inf Struct Reference

#include <stream_supp.h>

Collaboration diagram for stm_inf:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int atom_file_name
PlLong file
StmProp prop
StmFct fct_getc
StmFct fct_putc
StmFct fct_flush
StmFct fct_close
StmFct fct_tell
StmFct fct_seek
StmFct fct_clearerr
Bool eof_reached
PbStk pb_char
PlLong char_count
PlLong line_count
PlLong line_pos
PbStk pb_line_pos

Field Documentation

int stm_inf::atom_file_name
PlLong stm_inf::char_count
Bool stm_inf::eof_reached
StmFct stm_inf::fct_clearerr
StmFct stm_inf::fct_close
StmFct stm_inf::fct_flush
StmFct stm_inf::fct_getc
StmFct stm_inf::fct_putc
StmFct stm_inf::fct_seek
StmFct stm_inf::fct_tell
PlLong stm_inf::file
PlLong stm_inf::line_count
PlLong stm_inf::line_pos
StmLst* stm_inf::mirror
StmLst* stm_inf::mirror_of
PbStk stm_inf::pb_char
PbStk stm_inf::pb_line_pos
StmProp stm_inf::prop

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: