GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
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foreign_supp.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  PlFIOArg


#define PL_RECOVER   0
#define PL_CUT   1
#define PL_KEEP_FOR_PROLOG   2
#define PL_EXCEPTION   2
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Counter()   pl_foreign_bkt_counter
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer(t)   ((t) pl_foreign_bkt_buffer)
#define PLV   REF
#define Stream_Pointer(s)   (pl_stm_tbl + (s))


typedef WamWord PlTerm




void Pl_Foreign_Create_Choice (CodePtr codep_alt, int arity, int choice_size)
void Pl_Foreign_Update_Choice (CodePtr codep_alt, int arity, int choice_size)
CodePtr Pl_Foreign_Jump_Ret (CodePtr codep)
PlFIOArgPl_Foreign_Rd_IO_Arg (int arg_long, WamWord start_word, PlLong(*rd_fct)(), int fio_arg_index)
Bool Pl_Foreign_Un_IO_Arg (int arg_long, Bool(*un_fct)(), PlFIOArg *fa, WamWord start_word)
void Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error (char *file_name, int err_line, int err_col, char *err_msg)
void Pl_Exec_Continuation (int func, int arity, WamWord *arg_adr)
void Pl_Throw (WamWord ball_word)
void Pl_Query_Begin (Bool recoverable)
int Pl_Query_Call (int func, int arity, WamWord *arg_adr)
int Pl_Query_Start (int func, int arity, WamWord *arg_adr, Bool recoverable)
int Pl_Query_Next_Solution (void)
void Pl_Query_End (int op)
WamWord Pl_Get_Exception (void)
void Pl_No_More_Choice (void)
int Pl_Type_Of_Term (WamWord start_word)
char * Pl_Atom_Name (int atom)
int Pl_Atom_Length (int atom)
Bool Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote (int atom)
Bool Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan (int atom)
Bool Pl_Is_Valid_Atom (int atom)
int Pl_Atom_Char (char c)
int Pl_Atom_Nil (void)
int Pl_Atom_False (void)
int Pl_Atom_True (void)
int Pl_Atom_End_Of_File (void)
PlBool Pl_Unif (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
PlBool Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Atom (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Integer (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Float (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Number (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Atomic (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Compound (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Callable (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_List (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Partial_List (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List (WamWord term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte (WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Compare (WamWord cmp, WamWord term1, WamWord term2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Arg (WamWord arg_no, WamWord term, WamWord sub_term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Functor (WamWord term, WamWord functor, WamWord arity)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Univ (WamWord term, WamWord list)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Eq (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Neq (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Lt (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Lte (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Gt (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Gte (WamWord expr1, WamWord expr2)
void Pl_Math_Evaluate (WamWord expr, WamWord *result)


int pl_foreign_bkt_counter
char * pl_foreign_bkt_buffer

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PL_CUT   1
#define PL_EXCEPTION   2
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Buffer (   t)    ((t) pl_foreign_bkt_buffer)
#define Pl_Get_Choice_Counter ( )    pl_foreign_bkt_counter
#define PL_KEEP_FOR_PROLOG   2
#define PL_RECOVER   0
#define PLV   REF
#define Stream_Pointer (   s)    (pl_stm_tbl + (s))

Typedef Documentation

typedef WamWord PlTerm

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PlBool

Function Documentation

int Pl_Atom_Char ( char  c)
int Pl_Atom_End_Of_File ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_False ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_Length ( int  atom)
char* Pl_Atom_Name ( int  atom)
Bool Pl_Atom_Needs_Quote ( int  atom)
Bool Pl_Atom_Needs_Scan ( int  atom)
int Pl_Atom_Nil ( void  )
int Pl_Atom_True ( void  )
Bool Pl_Builtin_Arg ( WamWord  arg_no,
WamWord  term,
WamWord  sub_term 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Atom ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Atomic ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Callable ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Compare ( WamWord  cmp,
WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Compound ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Eq ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Fd_Var ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Float ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Functor ( WamWord  term,
WamWord  functor,
WamWord  arity 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Generic_Var ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Gt ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Gte ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Integer ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_List ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_List_Or_Partial_List ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Lt ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Lte ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Neq ( WamWord  expr1,
WamWord  expr2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Fd_Var ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Generic_Var ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Non_Var ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Number ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Partial_List ( WamWord  term)
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Eq ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gt ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Gte ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lt ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Lte ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Term_Neq ( WamWord  term1,
WamWord  term2 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Univ ( WamWord  term,
WamWord  list 
Bool Pl_Builtin_Var ( WamWord  term)
void Pl_Emit_Syntax_Error ( char *  file_name,
int  err_line,
int  err_col,
char *  err_msg 
void Pl_Exec_Continuation ( int  func,
int  arity,
WamWord arg_adr 
void Pl_Foreign_Create_Choice ( CodePtr  codep_alt,
int  arity,
int  choice_size 

Here is the call graph for this function:

CodePtr Pl_Foreign_Jump_Ret ( CodePtr  codep)
PlFIOArg* Pl_Foreign_Rd_IO_Arg ( int  arg_long,
WamWord  start_word,
PlLong(*)()  rd_fct,
int  fio_arg_index 
Bool Pl_Foreign_Un_IO_Arg ( int  arg_long,
Bool(*)()  un_fct,
PlFIOArg fa,
WamWord  start_word 
void Pl_Foreign_Update_Choice ( CodePtr  codep_alt,
int  arity,
int  choice_size 

Here is the call graph for this function:

WamWord Pl_Get_Exception ( void  )
Bool Pl_Is_Valid_Atom ( int  atom)
void Pl_Math_Evaluate ( WamWord  expr,
WamWord result 
void Pl_No_More_Choice ( void  )
void Pl_Query_Begin ( Bool  recoverable)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Pl_Query_Call ( int  func,
int  arity,
WamWord arg_adr 
void Pl_Query_End ( int  op)
int Pl_Query_Next_Solution ( void  )
int Pl_Query_Start ( int  func,
int  arity,
WamWord arg_adr,
Bool  recoverable 

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Pl_Throw ( WamWord  ball_word)
int Pl_Type_Of_Term ( WamWord  start_word)
PlBool Pl_Unif ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 
PlBool Pl_Unif_With_Occurs_Check ( PlTerm  term1,
PlTerm  term2 

Variable Documentation

char* pl_foreign_bkt_buffer
int pl_foreign_bkt_counter