![]() |
GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
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Macros | |
#define | IDC_STATIC (-1) |
#define | IDR_MENU 102 |
#define | IDR_ACCEL 106 |
#define | IDD_STACK_SIZES 109 |
#define | IDI_ICON 113 |
#define | IDC_STACK_DESC0 1000 |
#define | IDC_STACK_DESC1 1001 |
#define | IDC_DEF_SZ1 1002 |
#define | IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME1 1003 |
#define | IDC_DEF_SZ0 1004 |
#define | IDC_ENV_SZ0 1005 |
#define | IDC_ENV_SZ1 1006 |
#define | IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME0 1007 |
#define | IDC_REG_SZ1 1008 |
#define | IDC_CUR_SZ0 1010 |
#define | IDM_STACK_SIZES 40000 |
#define | IDM_CONSULT 40001 |
#define | IDM_CHDIR 40002 |
#define | IDM_FILE_NAME 40003 |
#define | IDM_EXIT 40004 |
#define | IDM_COPY 40005 |
#define | IDM_PASTE 40006 |
#define | IDM_SELECT_ALL 40007 |
#define | IDM_COPY_ON_SEL 40009 |
#define | IDM_SAVE_OPTIONS 40011 |
#define | IDM_INTERRUPT 40012 |
#define | IDM_BEEP 40013 |
#define | IDM_WRAP 40014 |
#define | IDM_BUFFERING 40015 |
#define | IDM_FLUSH 40016 |
#define | IDM_SHOW_CONSOLE 40018 |
#define | IDM_FONT 40019 |
#define | IDM_MANUAL 40020 |
#define | IDM_INDEX 40021 |
#define | IDM_WEB 40022 |
#define | IDM_ABOUT 40023 |
#define | IDC_REG_SZ0 40026 |
#define | IDC_STACK_DESC2 40027 |
#define | IDC_DEF_SZ2 40028 |
#define | IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME2 40029 |
#define | IDC_ENV_SZ2 40030 |
#define | IDC_REG_SZ2 40031 |
#define | IDC_STACK_DESC3 40032 |
#define | IDC_DEF_SZ3 40033 |
#define | IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME3 40034 |
#define | IDC_ENV_SZ3 40035 |
#define | IDC_REG_SZ3 40036 |
#define | IDC_CUR_SZ1 40037 |
#define | IDC_CUR_SZ2 40038 |
#define | IDC_CUR_SZ3 40039 |
#define | IDC_FIXED_SIZES 40040 |
#define | IDC_STACK_DESC4 40041 |
#define | IDC_DEF_SZ4 40042 |
#define | IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME4 40043 |
#define | IDC_ENV_SZ4 40044 |
#define | IDC_REG_SZ4 40045 |
#define | IDC_CUR_SZ4 40046 |
#define IDC_CUR_SZ0 1010 |
#define IDC_CUR_SZ1 40037 |
#define IDC_CUR_SZ2 40038 |
#define IDC_CUR_SZ3 40039 |
#define IDC_CUR_SZ4 40046 |
#define IDC_DEF_SZ0 1004 |
#define IDC_DEF_SZ1 1002 |
#define IDC_DEF_SZ2 40028 |
#define IDC_DEF_SZ3 40033 |
#define IDC_DEF_SZ4 40042 |
#define IDC_ENV_SZ0 1005 |
#define IDC_ENV_SZ1 1006 |
#define IDC_ENV_SZ2 40030 |
#define IDC_ENV_SZ3 40035 |
#define IDC_ENV_SZ4 40044 |
#define IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME0 1007 |
#define IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME1 1003 |
#define IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME2 40029 |
#define IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME3 40034 |
#define IDC_ENV_VAR_NAME4 40043 |
#define IDC_FIXED_SIZES 40040 |
#define IDC_REG_SZ0 40026 |
#define IDC_REG_SZ1 1008 |
#define IDC_REG_SZ2 40031 |
#define IDC_REG_SZ3 40036 |
#define IDC_REG_SZ4 40045 |
#define IDC_STACK_DESC0 1000 |
#define IDC_STACK_DESC1 1001 |
#define IDC_STACK_DESC2 40027 |
#define IDC_STACK_DESC3 40032 |
#define IDC_STACK_DESC4 40041 |
#define IDC_STATIC (-1) |
#define IDD_STACK_SIZES 109 |
#define IDI_ICON 113 |
#define IDM_ABOUT 40023 |
#define IDM_BEEP 40013 |
#define IDM_BUFFERING 40015 |
#define IDM_CHDIR 40002 |
#define IDM_CONSULT 40001 |
#define IDM_COPY 40005 |
#define IDM_COPY_ON_SEL 40009 |
#define IDM_EXIT 40004 |
#define IDM_FILE_NAME 40003 |
#define IDM_FLUSH 40016 |
#define IDM_FONT 40019 |
#define IDM_INDEX 40021 |
#define IDM_INTERRUPT 40012 |
#define IDM_MANUAL 40020 |
#define IDM_PASTE 40006 |
#define IDM_SAVE_OPTIONS 40011 |
#define IDM_SELECT_ALL 40007 |
#define IDM_SHOW_CONSOLE 40018 |
#define IDM_STACK_SIZES 40000 |
#define IDM_WEB 40022 |
#define IDM_WRAP 40014 |
#define IDR_ACCEL 106 |
#define IDR_MENU 102 |