GNU PROLOG with UTF8 support
Macros | Functions | Variables
error_supp.h File Reference
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#define Os_Test_Error_Null(tst)
#define Os_Test_Error(tst)


void Pl_Set_Bip_Name_2 (WamWord func_word, WamWord arity_word)
void Pl_Set_Bip_Name_Untagged_2 (int func, int arity)
void Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name (char *func_str, int arity)
void Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name (void)
int Pl_Get_Current_Bip (int *arity)
void Pl_Set_Last_Syntax_Error (char *file_name, int err_line, int err_col, char *err_msg)
void Pl_Syntax_Error (int flag_value)
void Pl_Unknown_Pred_Error (int func, int arity)
void Pl_Os_Error (int ret_val)
void Pl_Err_Instantiation (void)
void Pl_Err_Uninstantiation (WamWord term)
void Pl_Err_Type (int atom_type, WamWord term)
void Pl_Err_Domain (int atom_domain, WamWord term)
void Pl_Err_Existence (int atom_object, WamWord term)
void Pl_Err_Permission (int atom_oper, int atom_perm, WamWord term)
void Pl_Err_Representation (int atom_flag)
void Pl_Err_Evaluation (int pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_Resource (int atom_resource)
void Pl_Err_Syntax (int pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_System (int pl_atom_error)


int pl_type_atom
int pl_type_atomic
int pl_type_byte
int pl_type_callable
int pl_type_character
int pl_type_compound
int pl_type_evaluable
int pl_type_float
int pl_type_boolean
int pl_type_in_byte
int pl_type_in_character
int pl_type_integer
int pl_type_list
int pl_type_number
int pl_type_predicate_indicator
int pl_type_variable
int pl_type_pair
int pl_type_fd_variable
int pl_type_fd_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
int pl_domain_character_code_list
int pl_domain_close_option
int pl_domain_flag_value
int pl_domain_io_mode
int pl_domain_non_empty_list
int pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
int pl_domain_operator_priority
int pl_domain_operator_specifier
int pl_domain_prolog_flag
int pl_domain_read_option
int pl_domain_source_sink
int pl_domain_stream
int pl_domain_stream_option
int pl_domain_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_stream_position
int pl_domain_stream_property
int pl_domain_write_option
int pl_domain_order
int pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_g_array_index
int pl_domain_g_argument_selector
int pl_domain_stream_seek_method
int pl_domain_format_control_sequence
int pl_domain_os_path
int pl_domain_os_file_permission
int pl_domain_selectable_item
int pl_domain_date_time
int pl_domain_socket_domain
int pl_domain_socket_address
int pl_existence_procedure
int pl_existence_source_sink
int pl_existence_stream
int pl_existence_sr_descriptor
int pl_permission_operation_access
int pl_permission_operation_close
int pl_permission_operation_create
int pl_permission_operation_input
int pl_permission_operation_modify
int pl_permission_operation_open
int pl_permission_operation_output
int pl_permission_operation_reposition
int pl_permission_type_binary_stream
int pl_permission_type_flag
int pl_permission_type_operator
int pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
int pl_permission_type_private_procedure
int pl_permission_type_static_procedure
int pl_permission_type_source_sink
int pl_permission_type_stream
int pl_permission_type_text_stream
int pl_representation_character
int pl_representation_character_code
int pl_representation_in_character_code
int pl_representation_max_arity
int pl_representation_max_integer
int pl_representation_min_integer
int pl_representation_too_many_variables
int pl_evluation_float_overflow
int pl_evluation_int_overflow
int pl_evluation_undefined
int pl_evluation_underflow
int pl_evluation_zero_divisor
int resource_too_many_open_streams
int pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
int pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint

Macro Definition Documentation

#define Os_Test_Error (   tst)
do { \
int _tst = (tst); \
if (_tst < 0) \
{ \
Pl_Os_Error(_tst); \
return FALSE; \
} \
} while(0)
void Pl_Os_Error(int ret_val)
Definition: error_supp.c:510
#define FALSE
Definition: bool.h:49
#define Os_Test_Error_Null (   tst)
do { \
if ((tst) == NULL) \
{ \
return FALSE; \
} \
} while(0)
void Pl_Os_Error(int ret_val)
Definition: error_supp.c:510
#define FALSE
Definition: bool.h:49

Function Documentation

void Pl_Err_Domain ( int  atom_domain,
WamWord  term 
void Pl_Err_Evaluation ( int  pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_Existence ( int  atom_object,
WamWord  term 
void Pl_Err_Instantiation ( void  )
void Pl_Err_Permission ( int  atom_oper,
int  atom_perm,
WamWord  term 
void Pl_Err_Representation ( int  atom_flag)
void Pl_Err_Resource ( int  atom_resource)
void Pl_Err_Syntax ( int  pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_System ( int  pl_atom_error)
void Pl_Err_Type ( int  atom_type,
WamWord  term 
void Pl_Err_Uninstantiation ( WamWord  term)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Pl_Get_Current_Bip ( int *  arity)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Os_Error ( int  ret_val)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Set_Bip_Name_2 ( WamWord  func_word,
WamWord  arity_word 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Set_Bip_Name_Untagged_2 ( int  func,
int  arity 
void Pl_Set_C_Bip_Name ( char *  func_str,
int  arity 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Set_Last_Syntax_Error ( char *  file_name,
int  err_line,
int  err_col,
char *  err_msg 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Syntax_Error ( int  flag_value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Unknown_Pred_Error ( int  func,
int  arity 

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Pl_Unset_C_Bip_Name ( void  )

Variable Documentation

int pl_domain_character_code_list
int pl_domain_close_option
int pl_domain_date_time
int pl_domain_flag_value
int pl_domain_format_control_sequence
int pl_domain_g_argument_selector
int pl_domain_g_array_index
int pl_domain_io_mode
int pl_domain_non_empty_list
int pl_domain_not_less_than_zero
int pl_domain_operator_priority
int pl_domain_operator_specifier
int pl_domain_order
int pl_domain_os_file_permission
int pl_domain_os_path
int pl_domain_prolog_flag
int pl_domain_read_option
int pl_domain_selectable_item
int pl_domain_socket_address
int pl_domain_socket_domain
int pl_domain_source_sink
int pl_domain_stream
int pl_domain_stream_option
int pl_domain_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_stream_position
int pl_domain_stream_property
int pl_domain_stream_seek_method
int pl_domain_term_stream_or_alias
int pl_domain_write_option
int pl_evluation_float_overflow
int pl_evluation_int_overflow
int pl_evluation_undefined
int pl_evluation_underflow
int pl_evluation_zero_divisor
int pl_existence_procedure
int pl_existence_source_sink
int pl_existence_sr_descriptor
int pl_existence_stream
int pl_permission_operation_access
int pl_permission_operation_close
int pl_permission_operation_create
int pl_permission_operation_input
int pl_permission_operation_modify
int pl_permission_operation_open
int pl_permission_operation_output
int pl_permission_operation_reposition
int pl_permission_type_binary_stream
int pl_permission_type_flag
int pl_permission_type_operator
int pl_permission_type_past_end_of_stream
int pl_permission_type_private_procedure
int pl_permission_type_source_sink
int pl_permission_type_static_procedure
int pl_permission_type_stream
int pl_permission_type_text_stream
int pl_representation_character
int pl_representation_character_code
int pl_representation_in_character_code
int pl_representation_max_arity
int pl_representation_max_integer
int pl_representation_min_integer
int pl_representation_too_many_variables
int pl_resource_print_object_not_linked
int pl_resource_too_big_fd_constraint
int pl_type_atom
int pl_type_atomic
int pl_type_boolean
int pl_type_byte
int pl_type_callable
int pl_type_character
int pl_type_compound
int pl_type_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_bool_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_evaluable
int pl_type_fd_variable
int pl_type_float
int pl_type_in_byte
int pl_type_in_character
int pl_type_integer
int pl_type_list
int pl_type_number
int pl_type_pair
int pl_type_predicate_indicator
int pl_type_variable
int resource_too_many_open_streams